Saturday, January 25, 2020

Visual cryptography

Visual cryptography Introduction One of the popular solutions for image encryption is visual cryptography. Secret sharing concepts are used to encrypt a secret image into the shares (customized versions of the original image) which can be transmitted over an undeveloped communication channel and by overlapping shares, the secret message is obtained Visual cryptographic solutions are based on binary or binaries inputs. Due to this, natural images must be first transformed into halftone (this is a technique which uses different density of dots to display the image) images to simulate the original gray or colour levels in the target binary image To create the shares, the halftone version of the input image is used instead of the original image. The decrypted image is made by stacking the shares together. Because binary data can be displayed in an apparent form when printed on transparencies or viewed on the screen and overlapping shares that contain apparently random information can expose the secret image. However, the decrypted image is darker, contains a number of visual damages due to the algorithm that is used for the process and the resolution of secret image is increased by most of visual cryptography solutions (Lukac at el,2005) and(Lukac 2006). 1.1 Objectives The base of protected communication among users using insecure channel is known as cryptography. In order for cryptographic security to take place, an algorithm is involved for the practice of encrypting and decrypting messages In its basic form, one image is split into two separate images called shares. When the shares are stacked on top of each other, the unique image is retrieved A general n out of n visual cryptography scheme involves n participants in which a secret image is split into n random looking shares and all n shares are required to recover the original image. 1.2 Aims The important idea behind Visual Cryptography is to encrypt information in the form of images in a secure and flawless way The information must be encrypted before it is sent, so that it cannot be illegally read or modified in the middle of transmission. Suppose 4 persons have deposited their money in a bank account. These persons obviously do not trust each other. In particular, they do not want a single member of themselves to withdraw the money. However, they assume that withdrawing money by two members of the group is not considered a conspiracy; rather it is considered to have received authorizations Therefore, they decided to set the bank code (with a trusted computer) into 4 partitions so that any two or more partitions can be used to reconstruct the code. Since the persons representatives will not have a computer with them to decode the bank code when they come to withdraw the money, they want to be able to decode visually: each thief gets a transparency The transparency should yield no information about the bank code (even implicitly). However, by taking any two transparencies, stacking them together and aligning them, the secret number should pop out. How can this be done? (Naor and Shamir, 1994) proposed a solution and introduced a simple but perfectly secure way that allows secret sharing without any cryptographic computation, which they termed as Visual Cryptography Scheme. The simplest Visual Cryptography Scheme is given by the following setup. A secret image consists of a collection of black and white pixels where each pixel is treated independently To encode the secret, the original image is split into n customized versions (referred as shares). To decode the image, a subset S of those n shares is picked and display each of them onto a transparency In this project, a new visual cryptography scheme is intended for shadow images. The proposed scheme will be flexible, easily implemented, and more secure for shadow images. Moreover, shadow image structure is augmented to reduce the chances for an attacker to guess the secret. Literature Survey 2.1 introduction Visual Cryptography was introduced by (Naor and Shamir, 1994) at Eurocrypt, an annual conference sponsored by the International Association for Cryptographical Research (IACA) to encourage discussions and seminars among cryptologists all over the world In that, the description is about a new cryptographic scheme that encodes a black and white image into n shares. Decoding is done with the human visual system when the n shares are placed on transparencies and stacked on top of each other. They included several schemes to implement a visual cryptography system in their presentation Since that time, the paradigm of visual cryptography has attracted wide attention all over the world. Several papers and projects have been presented to extend visual cryptography. Schemes have been invented for a general k out of n sharing scheme and to cover gray scale and colour images as well(Jim Cai and Zhou,2000) Even today, research continues in the field of visual cryptography and papers regarding contrast, extended schemes are being published regularly This research addresses the few questions concerning visual cryptography, and will attempt to answer these questions in the context of the research by using experimental approach into the problem of visual cryptography, these questions are: what is cryptography? What set of features should be used in visual cryptography? How to reduce chances for attackers to get the secret of shadow images? 2.2 Theory This section will attempt to explain the basic theory behind visual cryptography. Consider a black and white image (not gray scale). It is made up of black pixels and white pixels grouped such that when viewed with the human eye, the picture (or word, symbol etc.) can be seen. To encrypt this image, each pixel from the original image is taken and converted into sub pixels. For sake of this discussion and for simplicity, let us assume that each pixel will be converted into two sub pixels and there will be two shares If a pixel is white, then one of two combinations of sub pixels will be randomly chosen to represent the pixel on each of the shares. When the shares are stacked and properly lined up, the sub pixels for the white pixel produce the result In both sets of sub pixels for the white pixel, it can be seen the result is one black sub pixel and one white sub pixel next to each other. When viewed with the human visual system, the result appears to be gray (combined effect of white and black next to each other) On the other hand, if a pixel is black, then one of the two combinations of sub pixels will be randomly chosen to represent the pixel in each of the shares (same idea as the white pixel). However with black pixels gives two sub pixels next to each other. To the human eye, this appears as a share by itself gives no visible information from the original image because the sub pixels are evenly distributed on each share (one black sub pixel and one white sub pixel for each pixel in the original image). These combinations (black/white and white/black) occur with probability 1/ 2 providing a share with randomized pixels and thus not revealing any hint of the original image. When the shares are stacked, the white pixels are seen as gray, while the black areas remain black (Naor at el, 1994 ,Lee at el,2003 and Voyatzis,1996) (Naor and Shamir, 1995) thought about the problem of encrypting material such as: printed text, handwritten notes, pictures, etc in an absolutely secure way which can be interpreted directly by the human visual system Furthermore, they have explained that the basic model includes a printed page of cipertext (which can be sent by mail of faxed) and a printed transparency. The system they developed can be used by anyone who lacks knowledge of cryptography and without performing any cryptographic commutations. Moreover, they noted that the best way to visualize the visual cryptographic scheme is to consider a concrete example In cryptography, the process of transforming data (referred to as plaintext) where the process uses an algorithm (called cipher) is called encryption. The encrypting process make the information unreadable to anyone except those possessing special knowledge, usually referred to as a key. The encrypting process results encrypted data (in cryptography, referred to as cipher text). To read encrypted data, the encrypted data should be made readable. So the reverse process is called decryption. In real world, the software for encryption can typically also perform decryption to make the encrypted information readable again (ElGamal,1985 and Rivest,1978) Encryption has long been used by militaries and governments to facilitate secret communication. Encryption is now used in protecting information within many kinds of civilian systems, such as computers, storage devices (e.g. USB flash drives), networks (e.g. the Internet, e-commerce), mobile telephones, wireless microphones, wireless intercom systems, Bluetooth devices and bank automatic teller machines. Encryption is also used in digital rights management to prevent unauthorized use or reproduction of copyrighted material and in software also to protect against reverse engineering (Encryption) Encryption, by itself, can protect the confidentiality of messages, but other techniques are still needed to protect the integrity and authenticity of a message; for example, verification of a message authentication codes (MAC) or a digital signature. Standards and cryptographic software and hardware to perform encryption are widely available, but successfully using encryption to ensure security may be a challenging problem. A single slip-up in system design or execution can allow successful attacks. Sometimes an adversary can obtain unencrypted information without directly undoing the encryption. (Maurer,1994 and Diffie,1976) Moreover, The optimality of VC is determined mostly by its pixel expansion and the relative contrast and, the relative contrast needs to be as large as possible to ensure visibility (Alvarez at el,2005). In the scope of this research, the works related to contrast optimization will be explored. Works related to deriving lower bound of pixel expansion m can be found in (Naor and Shamir, 1995), (Rivest at el,1984) etc. The research on contrast optimization was motivated by the problem of extra graying erect introduced to decoded image. This occurs because the decoded image is not an exact reproduction of the original image, but an expansion of the original, with extra black pixels. Research methods -Doing a thorough investigation into basic visual cryptography -Careful study of algorithms used in visual cryptography -Checking out a suitable development environment and a suitable frame work that can ease the image processing tasks -investigating shadow image structure for visual cryptographic practices such as pixel expansion and the relative contrast -This project emphasizes, intends and evaluates a computer-based system using appropriate processes and tools, as follows Front End :Java Back End :Microsoft SQL Server OS : Windows XP and Windows vista IDE : net beans 6.7 The net bean IDE is used for following features: In this project, net beans Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is used because its tools, debugging and performance monitoring. Net bean IDE for developing applications saves the time by managing windows, settings, and data. In addition, an IDE can store repetitive tasks through macros and abbreviations. Drag-and-drop features make creating graphical user interface (GUI) components or accessing databases easy and highlighted code and debugging features alert to errors in the code The application is developed by java because of following features Java is a graphical user interface programming language Java supports to platform independent mechanism Java is a general purpose and object oriented programming language The most striking features of the language are that it is platform neural language Java program is under the control of JVM; the JVM can contain the program and prevent it from generating side effects outside the system. Thus safety is included in Java language. Java is mainly adopted for two reasons Security Portability These two features are available in java because of the byte code. Byte code is a highly optimized set of instructions to be executed by the Java run time system called JVM. The features of Java which are adopted for the network system explore are Multithreading Socket programming Swing Multithreading Users perceive that their world is full of multiple events all happenings at once and wants their computers to do the same. Unfortunately, writing programs that deal with many things at once can be much more difficult than writing conventional single threaded programs in C or C++. Thread safe in multithreading means that a given library functions is implemented concurrent threads of execution Swing Swing refers to the new library of GUI controls (buttons, sliders, checkboxes etc). Swing is a rapid GUI development tool that is part of the standard Java development kit. Swing is a set of classes that provides more powerful and flexible components. Swing components are not implemented by platform specific code. Instead they are written in Java and therefore are platform independent (java doc).

Friday, January 17, 2020

Local Literature Essay

The 1990s have been an era of growth in computer usage for campuses across the United States. A national survey of information technology use in higher education indicated an increasing integration of computing related activities into college courses (Campus Computing Project, 2000). This survey reported that three-fifths of undergraduate courses utilized electronic mail and two-fifths made use of World Wide Web (WWW) resources. Parallel to this trend is the growing number of colleges and universities instituting requirements for student computer ownership (â€Å"Growing number of colleges require†¦,† 2000). This article reported that many of the schools implementing the requirement did so to guarantee that all students had access to the same computing resources. Research by Brown (1999) indicated that at schools without a computer ownership requirement, only half the students are likely to own one. Comparing Computer Usage by Students in Education Programs to Technology Education Majors Aaron C. Clark and Eric N. Wiebe Previous Editors: Mark Sanders 1989-1997; James LaPorte: 1997-2010 FOREIGN STUDIES January, February, March 2011 A STUDY ON COMPUTER USAGE AND ATTITUDES TOWARD COMPUTERS OF PROSPECTIVE PRESCHOOL TEACHER Sheikh Tariq MAHMOOD Makhdoom Ali Syed Ziarab Mahmoodi The purpose of this study is to determine the status of computer usage and the attitudes toward computers of prospective preschool teacher and to investigate of several variables on their attitudes. For this purpose, â€Å"Computer Usage Information Form† and â€Å"Computer Attitude Scale† was applied to 126 prospective preschool teachers. This study is conducted with survey methods. The data is analyzed through standard deviation, mean value as well  as t-test and one way ANOVA for group comparison, besides to find which group causes the difference in the group comparison, a PostHoc Tukey HSD test is employed. At the end of the study it is determined that the prospective preschool teacher use computers more at home and internet cafes and their levels of using computer programme are intermediate or upper. It is also determined that there is a significant difference according to the variables of taking computer course, computer ownership, level of using computer program, frequency of computer usage, computer experience and class of the scores of attitudes toward computers. On the other hand, there is no significant difference according to the variables of gender. It is recommended that future studies should focus on investigating academicians’s level of usage of computer program and attitudes toward computer technologies.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Awakenings Essay - 1018 Words

From beginning to end the movie The Awakening, Robin Williams demonstrates his knowledge of the scientific method. The scientific method is a procedure of steps that is used to prove something. In the movie it is used to show that patients suffering from an un-named disorder do have a slight opportunity to return to their normal state of being. The scientific method is a list of steps to prove something and make into a law or theory based on your final product andThe Awakening findings. It is composed of several steps, it starts with observations. Observations are where a person collects known data concerning what you are going to test on. Next they formulate a hypothesis based on their observations. After they have a hypothesis they†¦show more content†¦After he formed several hypotheses and experimented with them, he came across an article that explained how the use of a certain type of medicine which was used to treat a disease related to the one that he was investigating. He tried administrating the medicine to one of his patients, and observed The scientific method is a process of acquiring new knowledge and to find reasoning in a given hypothesis. The scientific method is also explained as the collection and correlation of data through observation, experimentation and formulating and testing a hypothesis. Only some university students are able to learn and practice the scientific method whilst at university. This essay will provide four arguments on why only some students are able to learn and practice the scientific method at University. These arguments include the student’s choice of studying a science degree and practically learning the scientific method. Or the willingness of the student to acquire a new knowledge and find reasoning; we explore this idea through a brief knowledge of the social enlightenment and the resulting change in social behaviour and authority rebellion. Also we look at the difference in the academic disciplines encountered at university; science, arts, commerce and humanities, each disc ipline containing a varying approach to learning and acquiring the scientific method in relation to new knowledge. Finally we will explore how those whom do not study a scienceShow MoreRelated The Awakening Essay1091 Words   |  5 Pagesthe fact that an author is able to convey his/her message clearer and include things in the book that cannot be exhibited in a movie. For this reason, the reader of the book is much more effected than the viewer of the film. In the novella, The Awakening, by Kate Chopin, there is much more evidence of symbolism as well as deeper meaning than in the movie version of the book, Grand Isle. Chopin conveys her symbolic messages through the main character’s newly acquired ability to swim, through the birdsRead MoreEssay on The Awakening1610 Words   |  7 Pages In their analytical papers on The Awakening by Kate Chopin, both Elaine Showalter and Elizabeth Le Blanc speak to the importance of homosocial relationship to Edna’s awakenings. Th ey also share the viewpoint that Edna’s return to the sea in the final scene of the book represents Edna being one with her female lover and finding the fulfillment she has been seeking. We see evidence of this idea of the sea as a feminine from Showalter when she tells us that â€Å"As the female body is prone to wetness,Read More Essay on The Awakening712 Words   |  3 PagesCritical Views of The Awakening      Ã‚  Ã‚   The Awakening, written by Kate Chopin, is full of ideas and understanding about human nature. In Chopins time, writing a story with such great attention to sensual details in both men and women caused skepticism among readers and critics. However, many critics have different views with deeper thought given to The Awakening. Symbolism, the interpretation of Ednas suicide, and awakenings play important roles in the analysis of all critics.    SymbolismRead More Essay on The Awakening733 Words   |  3 PagesCriticism of The Awakening      Ã‚   Reading through all of the different criticism of Kate Chopin’s The Awakening has brought about ideas and revelations that I had never considered during my initial reading of the novel.   When I first read the text, I viewed it as a great work of art to be revered.   However, as I read through all of the passages, I began to examine Chopin’s work more critically and to see the weaknesses and strengths of her novel.   Reading through others interpretations of herRead MoreThe Awakening Essay728 Words   |  3 PagesThe novel The Awakening by Kate Chopin takes place in the early 1920s on the Grand Isles of Louisiana. The Grand Isles is a resort for the wealthy. The theme of this novel is about a woman named Edna who awakens to a new life as she discovers her independence. In the novel Edna also awakens to her love for Robert Leburn and most importantly she awakens to the knowledge that her husband is not in control of her life. Edna and Mr. Pontelliers rel ationship begins to get worse after he leaves forRead More The Awakening Essay2046 Words   |  9 Pages The Awakening is a story full of symbolism and imagery that can have many different meanings to the many who have read it. I have read several different theories on Kate Chopin’s meaning and though some are vastly different, they all seem to make sense. It has been said that Kate Chopin might have been ambiguous just for this reason. At some point, almost everyone struggles with knowing or not knowing their purpose in life, and therefore it seems, that on some level, most who read the story aboutRead MoreEssay The Awakening640 Words   |  3 Pages The Awakening, by Kate Chopin, tells one woman’s story of her attempt to awaken to her true wants and desires for her life. When Edna Pontellier spends the summer on Grand Isle, she begins to think beyond the role of wife and mother that she has played so far. She begins to think of herself as a separate person with in dependent thoughts and feelings. Her transformation is difficult and she has great trouble deciding what she really wants in life. Edna attempts to discard all of the traditional valuesRead More The Awakening Essay1840 Words   |  8 Pages The Relationship of The Awakening and Creole Society amp;#9;In The Awakening, Kate Chopin brings out the essence of through the characters of her novel. In this novel Edna Pontellier faces many problems because she is an outcast from society. As a result of her isolation from society she has to learn to fit in and deal with her problems. This situation causes her to go through a series of awakenings that help her find herself, but this also causes problems with her husband because she losesRead More Awakening Essay2422 Words   |  10 Pages When Kate Chopins The Awakening was published at the end of the 19th Century, many reviewers took issue with what they perceived to be the authors defiance of Victorian proprieties, but it is this very defiance with which has been responsible for the revival in the interest of the novel today. This factor is borne out by Chopins own words throughout her Preface -- where she indicates that women were not recipients of equal treatment. (Chopin, Preface ) Edna takes her own life at the booksRead More The Importance of the Sea in The Awakening Essay830 Words   |  4 Pagesof the Sea in The Awakening      Ã‚   Throughout her novel, The Awakening, Kate Chopin uses symbolism and imagery to portray the main characters emergence into a state of spiritual awareness. The image that appears the most throughout the novel is that of the sea. â€Å"Chopin uses the sea to symbolize freedom, freedom from others and freedom to be ones self† (Martin 58). The protagonist, Edna Pontellier, wants that freedom, and with images of the sea, Chopin shows Ednas awakening desire to be free